TR, SG Bloggers, the Opposition & Immigration, for Dummies

Temasek Review:

The next election may be the last one for Singaporeans to vote out the PAP or to place enough opposition MPs in Parliament to deny it its traditional two-thirds majority without which they can expect the pace of immigration to increase and overwhelm them.

Foreigners now make up 36 per cent of the population, up from 14 per cent in 1990. Of the remaining 64 per cent who are citizens, an unknown proportion are new citizens born overseas.

If Singaporeans were to give the PAP another “mandate” again at the next election, they may find themselves in the minority in a few years’ time.


God forbid that the singaporean chinese find themselves a minority in the face of foreigners, or else they might have to face a similar situation as other ethnic minorities have for quite a while - with the aid of chinese apathy-cum-discrimination of course.

As one chinese mate said to me in justification of chinese apathy in the face of others' suffering discrimination, 'well, if you don't get hit you won't feel it what!' Well, be thankful for the opportunity to 'get hit', maybe then you might learn a little bit of empathy. But then again, given the stance of the fascist twits running TR, and quite a bit of Sg bloggers, I doubt you blokes are ever going to learn. I'm putting this comment in, 'just for the record', lest curious passers-by actually confuse you for the good gals/guys.

Best of luck in taking care of your own asses mates.



I’ve always thought (and still do think) that it was a good idea not to form political parties along ethnic or religious lines as it tends to reinforce multiculturalism as opposed to cross-culturalism (fusion). However, in the face of a government that has a ‘preference’ for one ethnic group over others, i.e. bumiputra policy in Malaysia or the pro-chinese policy in Singapore, forbidding the formation of parties along ethnic lines enables the government of the day to promote one over others. In such a case, it is only the opposition that can take up the cross-cultural cause. However, in the case of the opposition in singapore, it seems that ethnic minorities can only hope to await the crumbs after the ‘majority whats!’ have had their fill. Quite the dilemma, being caught betwixt the devil and the croc in the deep blue sea. At the end of the day, in the words of Malcolm X, all we are left with are ‘house negroes’ on both sides of the thus illusory divide.

Now, for those who have not read my earlier observations, one cannot judge the ‘opposition’ by what they say, but what they fail to say, or take up with as vociferous consistency. It is the combination of both that determines the degree to which they are either democrats or fascists - and in the case of singapore, 'fascist democrats' would be quite apt.


