'Take Back Parliament' demonstration: video [by a2ed]

The following videos were shot yesterday in the course of the 'Take Back Parliament' campaign in Trafalgar Square, London. Whilst the following videos capture most of the highlights of the event, the scene where Nick Clegg (the leader of the Lib Dems and unelected Prince Regent of the British Parliament) appears to address the crowd after they had demanded to speak to him is omitted due to the scene being shot at a bad angle (don't ask..tch!) - though he was addressing the crowd about a cig's flick from myself and I had a clear view of him. Anyway, the omitted scene, captured perfectly by takebackparliament.com, can be viewed here. The highlights of the rest of the event can be viewed in the following videos.

As for proportional representation in the UK, let's keep our fingers crossed, and our fists in the air. Amen.


postscript: photographs will be out later today. Cheers!

