The causes of the UK riots, in a nutshell

It’s not just poverty that caused the UK riots.  It’s a system that breeds greed, the desire for immediate gratification, consumerism, gaining at the expense of others, and mutual alienation that is responsible.

Within such a system, the further down the class hierarchy you are, the less opportunity you’d have to legally loot and deprive others of their intellectual and tangible property in order to make a ‘success of yourself’. 

What is expected of the underclass is a greater ability to delay gratification, practice frugality, and communality, within a system that promotes and thrives on the inverse.In such a system of pillage and plunder, the breakdown of ‘law and order’ is nothing more than a failure to impress upon the underclass that they just have to get used to the way things are, deem it unchangeable, and just do their best within legal boundaries to push and shove each other out of the way as they attempt to make it to the top, or make ends meet, whilst using the heads of others as rungs to greater ‘success’. 

What is expected of the underclass is a greater ability to delay gratification, practice frugality, and communality, within a system that promotes and thrives on the inverse.  Whilst the elite hope to make money out of the greed, desire for immediate gratification, consumerism, gaining at the expense of others, and mutual alienation amongst those whom can afford to satisfy ensuing desires, they are blaming ‘bad parenting’, ‘black culture’, ‘communal irresponsibility’, ‘ineffective policing’, amongst those who can’t. 

This is not a socialist or ‘lefty’ viewpoint.  It is a logical one. 

