The Dale Farm situation and the Travellers’ interesting idea of race

image from 'protectyourself'
For those who don’t know anything about this situation in the UK, well, it is regarding the pending eviction of ‘travellers’ - people who live, well, a bit the Hippies of the past, Gypsies, in a pretty communal fashion.  You could say that they’ve sort of rejected ‘modern’, ‘affluent’ lifestyles and prefer to live as a true community.  Very interesting that. 

But what i found most interesting was, in their ‘about’ section on their website, they ended of with,

‘We say no to home demolitions, and no to ethnic cleansing!’ source

They are pretty advanced in their idea of race - in their seeing ‘race’ or ‘ethnicity’ as a lifestyle choice instead of one based on following the traditional culture of some ‘motherland’ or looking similar in tone and feature.  That shows that there is enough maturity amongst the Brits to began associating the idea of race with ideas instead of race.  Good one.

it seems that there is enough maturity amongst the Brits to began associating the idea of race with ideas instead of race.  Good one.Here, we are delving into the identification of ‘race’ on the basis of shared ideas.  That makes a whole lot of sense.  Yes.  They they are a part of the ‘Irish Traveller Movement’, but when they claim the efforts to evict them from their place of residence as ‘ethnic cleansing’, they aren’t referring to the Irish ethnic group as the Irish are not being ethnically cleansed off in the UK.  If they were, then we can say that their terming the possibility of a forced eviction is with reference to the Irish.  But as this is not the case, it can only mean one thing - their lifestyle choice.

When we take shared ideas, and not one’s ‘origins’ or ‘ancestry’ being from some land some where, we become more open to fusion with others.  And when we're in the realm of ideas, it is open to discussion, refinement, agreement, and fusion, as opposed to 'ancestry' and 'origins' whose 'logic' just goes by, 'that's the way it's been for thousands of years with our race, so fu*k off".  It doesn’t matter how you look, which corner of the globe your great grandfather took a piss in, or what ‘our people’ traditionally stuffed in their gobs.  It’s all about ideas.  With ideas as a basis for identity, the sharing of ideas is enough to make you ‘one of our own’, and since ideas is a ‘thinking thing’, we can all think together and become as opposed to not being one because we are of varying ‘origins’.

What should be the focus here is what the government is doing to ensure that people do not 'choose' to live like 'refugees' or be inclined to 'sprawl' all over the place. Perhaps they'd rather the travellers sleep on the doorstep of shops as part of the 'homeless' in London and elsewhere. The government sees it as a problem because it promotes 'urban sprawl' which brings to mind the picture of people living all over the place in shoddy conditions.  Some have said that this contributes to an internal refugee state of affairs.

What should be the focus here is what the government should be doing to ensure that people do not 'choose' to live like 'refugees' or be inclined to 'sprawl' all over the place.   Perhaps they'd rather the travellers sleep on the doorstep of shops as part of the homeless population in London and elsewhere.  This is nothing short of 'blaming the victim' of conditions that you depend on to enrich you.  The rich toffs gracing both houses of government, along with the so-called 'royalty' should know all about that.

Perhaps the government and the rich are afraid that those suffering the constant increases in cost of living, housing, and the price of bailing out the rich in times of 'economic crises', might choose to join the travellers.  The government can't control a population whom aren't indebted to them.  Perhaps that's what they're truly afraid of.  They rather people be faced with the choice of saying yes to their bosses so that they can live in their overpriced houses or homelessness.  As homelessness is pretty much unbearable, people would choose the former.  The traveller community, however, serves as an example to us all that we can tell our bosses to f*ck off and still live in comfortable conditions.

And even if the travellers choose to live in such conditions as a lifestyle choice, well, we should applaud said choice for its difference.  That's multiculturalism.  Oh, i forgot, that fascist git Cameron isn't inclined toward multiculturalism given his anti-multiculturalism statement he made not too long ago.

As for the illegality of the travellers' homes, as I stated on youtube,

The byproduct of the clash between what's right and what's legal, when the former emerges victorious, is called Justice.

The travellers, with their idea of ‘shared ethnicity’ on the basis of their sharing an idea and approach toward life in these 'modern' times is not dissimilar.  It travels well with me.

additional information:

bbc: High Court hearing on illegal travellers' site starts
Dale Farm
New Age Travellers

