The Problem with Porn is that which isn’t
source: BBC |
I think the problem with porn is not, generally, its content, but teens getting sexualised far more, and over, the compassionate, adaptive, and intellectual aspects of their potentials, and of a relationship. It is not only how they view the other sex, but most importantly, how they view themselves - as sexual creatures rather than intellectual, creative, compassionate human beings.
This potentially exploitative slant is further exacerbated or reinforced by teens also being taught to view themselves as economic units, and others, as opportunities for exploitation within a capitalist state of affairs. And we also have lots of ‘reality’ shows that also pits people against each other in a mutually antagonistic and competitive posture don’t we. All these, amongst a slew of others, basically instill a sense of mutual alienation and exploitative or/and competitive streak within teens. And it is within this context that porn can have the untoward impact that it does.
The real danger is not in porn, which many can view as a bit seedy of a pastime, but in mainstream movies, series, comedies, game shows, competitive shows, reality shows, etc, that transmit the selfsame self-absorption-inducing message but which isn't seen as equally seedy but comparatively normal. It complements porn in its base and primitive content. And this is when porn becomes just one artist within a singular genre.
You could say that contemporary ‘normal‘ and mainstream movies sexualise teens, and porn steps in with the content for one’s sexualised self.Getting back to the sexualisation of teens, The American Pie series, for instance, and amongst a host of others, do far more damage in terms of sexualising teens. I often wondered, when watching this, amongst a host of other rubbish to come out of America, ‘don’t these americans think about nothing other than sex?‘
My experience of teenage years was curiosity in the face of different types of music, perspectives, cultures, fashions, ideas, and so on. I was also hornier than a goat and rabbit put together, but that wasn’t a central feature of my teen experience. Contemporary and ‘normal’ maninstream movies are seen as a ‘good laugh’, but they still has the effect of sexualising teens in a mutually exploitative fashion, and especially so since they are viewed as ‘normal’ movies. You could say that contemporary ‘normal‘ and mainstream movies sexualise teens, and porn steps in with the content for one’s sexualised self.
But I wouldn’t say that these films only present and promote exploitative characters amongst teens that requires their genitalia to be tethered to the nearest lampost. Rather, it also teaches girls that the assumed sexual preoccupations of blokes can be exploited for female domination - which is what the American Pie series, amongst most others, promote. So the exploitation is mutual, and with women coming out on top even if they might be at the bottom some of the time.
If one was to think about it, all these different ratings for shows is basically progressive stages that readies one for porn doesn’t it.When i viewed porn for the first time in my mid-teens, i knew it was an illicit pastime. However, I took most of my attitudes from mainstream series such as The Waltons, Little House of the Prairie, Taxi, Tamil movies, etc, etc. Hence, it sort of contrasted with porn, and counterbalanced what would otherwise be the negative effect of porn. So, when it came to relationships, though i had a higher-than-most sex drive, i always focused on the emotional, adaptive, and compassionate side of a relationship before proceeding to sex. And with every single relationship, i’d let the girl take the lead in suggesting sex for the first time. I’d keep my hands to myself till then. To do otherwise, thanks to my other influences, was to demean the other, and the relationship.
Unfortunately, such contrasting shows were criticised for not depicting reality, and shows became more ‘real’ in terms of depicting the seedier and self-absorbed side of reality, and which, in efforts to make it entertaining for the sake of profits, ended up promoting the said seedier and self-absorbed side of reality. These days, porn is more like complemented by the mainstream music, films, series, reality shows, etc, etc, isn't it. That's the real problem. If one was to think about it, all these different ratings for shows is basically progressive stages that readies one for porn doesn’t it. And by ‘porn’, i refer broadly to the generally exploitative, arrogant, self-centred, and self-serving status quo as expressed in just about every pastime of ‘modern’ civilisation.
On a lighter note.......
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